Mexican Revolution

The armed conflict which swept Mexico from 1910 to 1920. The initial phase involved Francisco I. Madero overthrowing Porfirio Diaz and serving as President from 1911 to 1913, at which point he was assassinated and the counter-revolutionary Victoriano Huerta seized power. During the many years of the revolution, armed conflict endured between various revolutionary and counter-revolutionary factions as well as a constantly shifting balance of power. By 1920, revolutionary forces had prevailed, though their entire leadership fell victim to assassination over the years of conflict. It would be until 1929 that the National Revolutionary Party secured its regime. The war also saw an evolution of warfare and military technology similar to the events of the First World War in Europe, with airplanes, machine guns, and barbed wire employed by the end of the decade. The death toll and economic impact also left lasting impacts on the nation.